Monday, February 28, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

My greatest wish in life...

So... here's a not-stick drawing, as promised =D Now its back to History homework... =/

Of course, spilling my chocolate icecream is not my greatest wish...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Comic! With special guest star Professor Funk...

So, I have an awesome class... History from 1945 to the present... and I love it. It is taught by Professor Funk, and he makes awesome jokes... which I write down in my notes. So today's comic is one of his awesome little blurbs =) enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

GUEST COMIC! A Valentine's Special, from my sister, Lima Bean!

In honour of Saint Valentine's Day... Lima Bean (my famed sister) drew me this loverly comic. In it I, Scallywag, take over Lima Bean land and force Lima Bean to be my slave. There are also little creatures (like Pokemon...) called Snuggle Friends! Enjoy! <3

Happy Saint Valentine's Day! <3

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Third post of the day... a new MisAdventures of Emily and Naomi!!! =D

We end our glorious first day of posting with the newest MisAdventure of Emily and Naomi...

The first ever Spooners! comic...

Spooners! is an idea I've had for a long time now, the name was imagined by my loverly sister, Lima Bean, and it is a compilation of -all- the comics I draw; including (but not limited to... ha!) Spooners! (the official strip), The MisAdventures of Emily and Naomi, Sweet Orange Marmalade, Naomonster-Nightstalker, Dr. Awesome-Cooking Companion, and whatever else I think up. Enjoy!

P.S. I originally had just one big picture of the entire comic up... but it was really small and hard to read, plus you lost a lot of my artistic abilities (haha! funny...) due to the lack of resolution. So does this look good?
Also... my bum got huge, I know. =/

Spooners! goes official!!! So be excited!

So... since I've been drawing comics and posting them on Myspace (gross!) and then Facebook (once Myspace was totally uncool) for years... I figured it was about time I got serious about the comic business. Plus the great Dame Emily Elizabeth (yes, she's a knight) said it would be totally awesome if I started making weekly updates and such. So here goes! Perhaps if I gather enough followers I will get my own webpage... *hint hint* >.>