Thursday, April 21, 2011

Two more weeks, and then my storyline begins!!! Are you excited? I am.

Until finals are over, my storyline comic has been put on hold. My deepest apologies (but if it makes you feel any better the first page only has two panels that still need to be drawn... AND it is in full colour plus no stick figures!!!). Anywho, in the mean time I will entertain you with some little doodles. It would be nice to have a count of how many people read this (prolly not many... v_v) so if you guys could let me know on here or facebook or something that would be awesome. ALSO! I will be getting my own webpage sometime in the near future so be looking for that! Love you all, and thanks for still reading my very inconsistant comic! =D
Watership Down is the classic by Richard Adams... it is a story of rabbits. (It is also reffered to in Donnie Darko!!!) I highly recommend it to everyone. Excellent story.

And we are visited by the lovely gentleman, Umbrella Man. He could perhaps be getting a storyline sometime in the near future >.>
Anywho, thanks for reading! And I hope you start telling your friends about this... especially when I begin the storyline!!! =D <3

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